Great pics,,well done to Mr Davis, I reckon a pilgrimage to the "Red Lion" is in order ! recreat the pic,,make a nice week end of that) Mine is going on a visit 2nd owner from the 1980s when its finished
Great pics,,well done to Mr Davis, I reckon a pilgrimage to the "Red Lion" is in order ! recreat the pic,,make a nice week end of that) Mine is going on a visit 2nd owner from the 1980s when its finished
That would be pretty cool, I would love if he could see the car again, especially after he owned it for over 20 years
Got a little more work done over the weekend.
I removed the rocker cover to replace the gasket as it was seeping oil.
Then removed the exhaust manifold to replace the 4 gaskets as there was a noticeable blow out from one of them.
When I had them off I painted the manifold and rocker cover.
I had bright silver VHT paint and black VHT paint and neither looked right so I mixed a small amount of black wth the silver and produced a metallic grey. I also replaced the manifold to downpipe gasket as it was also leaking slightly.
Airfilter removed and rocker cover in need of rubbing down and painting.
Original cast iron manifold with heat shield removed.
Manifold removed along with 1 stud, engine block painted, then plugs replaced.
While I was working on it I also took the opportunity to put the original plates back on, theses plates were given to me by the previous owner and are the older type aluminium backed plate with the supplying dealer mark on them so I assume they are also the ones which were put on 30 years ago.
Still waiting on the V5 just to confirm I've been successful in getting the old plate back on.
what paint did u use on the maniflod will it burn of in time after running etc ??
I used silver VHT paint from an aerosol and mixed it with black engine laquer in a cup until I was happy with the colour. There is no sign of it burning off so far.