Spent the last week lying on my back underneath the car getting it all cleaned up. I removed any loose and flaking underseal and any areas that had a slight bit of rust were dealt with. I painted on some POR 15 paint onto any areas that were prone to rusting. Im still trying to get that paint off my hands and face
Black Hammerite was painted onto other areas like the axle,drums,mounts etc.
After the paint dried underneath was Waxoyled and then various different wax sprays, graphite sprays etc were directed into anywhere they would squirt
I reckon if Ford used as much wax in the first instance a lot more Escorts would still be on the roads.
I didnt take many pics, and they're not very interesting, but heres some under the drivers side arch before.
I reckoned it was in pretty good order before I started on it anyway
Taken under the arch looking backwards (inner lip of arch is on bottom left of pic)
I've been busy too getting a few bits and pieces together.
I got a full set of new Valeo Cibie inner and outer lights, I needed 1 inner light but will replace both inners, the outer set will be stored away for a while. I also got another outer set with mounting rings so I'll remove the rings to attach to the inners.
New outers and inners
Second hand set of outers and 1 inner light, inner light is a bit rusty so might be re-chromed at some stage in the future.
I still have to fit the windscreen.
I also got a Sportex exhaust to replace the leaky one, still to be fitted though.
Plugs, plug leads, air filter etc all to be changed in the next few weeks as well
I decided to share a couple of old photos of the car taken in the 1980's
These pics are in the history folder along with receipts,dealership correspondence, insurance valuations RSOC renewals etc.
The first owner, MR A Davies, he owned the car from 1980 until 2000.
Great to see a car with some old photos dating back so far . Can you answer a question about the inner lights. I have a pair that are chipped but the only new ones I can find for sale don't have any mounting lugs on them. Are you able to attach the chrome tings that the outers have and mount them using these?
Great to see a car with some old photos dating back so far . Can you answer a question about the inner lights. I have a pair that are chipped but the only new ones I can find for sale don't have any mounting lugs on them. Are you able to attach the chrome tings that the outers have and mount them using these?
I've a few more nice pics too, just have to get them up yet.
The chrome rings from the outer lights will attach the inners in place, I haven't done mine yet but have checked that they'll fit, will fire up a few pics next week when I do it.
I hadn't ordered the lights because they looked like they wouldn't work but that's good to know so I will now. If you load a pic let me know please.