Sadly it have been a standstill here for a while , but I´ll give it a go trough the winter. These videos was a little booster actually.. !!
Started to puzzle a little bit with the ZF gearbox here the other night, thinking of putting toghether a spare one. Will try to make a suitable input shaft out of a Fiat 130 ZF input shaft(and box) welded toghether with a bit of a Ford T9 gearbox input shaft. Will try to take som pictures of it .
While taking measurements for this , I found out that one of the layshaft bearings on the ZF motorsport box had some damage , so I´ll have to open it to check...fingers crossed for the best... .
Best regards Jorn
By the way, I would like to mention that I enjoy this forum very much and I find a lot of good information in text and pictures .
The Basket Case's, Restoration's and Ongoing Projects threads also contains many fine projects, and I would liked to give more comments and feedback on the respective threads, but time for this is not always available and having english as my second language makes me a rather slow writer who´s not allways understanding how you think out on the island in the North Sea.. !
Jorn The input shafts are being re manufactured for the ZF Box, give Phil or Mick Squires a ring at RACE in Stoke on Trent. Great thread keep it coming
Found this picture in a Robson book, I will be aiming to replicate the interior of my car to something similar.
Bought this two new P-lights, but from the picture I will need some more of them.
This is the input shaft I´m making out of a Fiat ZF box one and one from a T9 box.
Made myself a service fixing/mount for the ZF box out of a wheel bolt from a M.A.N truck...
Now it is serviceable, right..?! Found something worrying in front off the Motorsport box when taking off a cover, but will be back later with info on that....
Interior shot is definately a 79 car as this was a typical 1979 layout for the interior of a Boreham escort, with the additional control box on the navi side.
Keeping you busy - keep it coming