the cam cover are now in work,
when we are ready to send we send
a new mail for the payment.
deliver date is in the 16th week, we think.
best regards
Well, the 16th CW cometh and it pasteth, and the bleedin Germans have still not delivereth. What goeth on?
They still filing them down by hand or what?
I shall be down there on the double soon, bleedin slow, makes the crustaceous period look short
One month ago I emailed him a "contract" with details of how many camcovers in what colour, fitting kits, prices also for P&P and addresses where to send it all. I translated it into English and emailed that to taffr but all the emails kept coming back; I will post the contract here if I can find it.
Anyway, Herr Schulze said they received a batch of 25 camcovers, which they are preparing at the moment. About 12 are almost finished. The rest (12 more) will take another 4 weeks minimum and the second batch of 25 will be ready by July .... he said without a hint of an apology ... because the company who makes the casting cannot make more/quicker.
Within 2 weeks the first camcovers will be ready for shipping and taffr and myself will receive an email when they are.
If it was just me who ordered something from him I would tell him to stick the covers somewhere were the sun don't shine! But seeing the one on ebay already on 201 euro with more then 9 days to go it might be good to wait until he finishes them. (Xmas ? ).