Glyn Mogsmex
Wayne Hally
Jamie rwdrs
Mark marky4
Neil 191964
Graeme rs2000_gb
Lee lee bishop
Eddy Javagreenguf
Neil Topaz
Simon Lord Lucan
David Cervantes
Paul mr freeze
Darren RS2KSX
Mike Pushrod
Paul Paul Andrews
Gary escortrs2
Steve Emo
Chris Custom219V
Errol Errol
Mark Troll
Derek groupcracer
Dave bigdavevw
Soren TheDane
Dave rsdc1
Leon Miniliteman
Could the people still on the list let us know if they are still after a camcover?? With the number we have now I am not sure if the seller will still agree to the quoted price ...
Glyn Mogsmex
Wayne Hally
Graeme rs2000_gb
lee bishop
Eddy Javagreenguf
Neil Topaz
Simon Lord Lucan
David Cervantes
Paul mr freeze
Darren RS2KSX
Mike Pushrod
Paul Andrews
Gary escortrs2
Mark Troll
Derek groupcracer
Dave bigdavevw
Soren TheDane
Dave rsdc1
Leon Miniliteman (will pay directly)
Jamie rwdrs (will pay directly)
Ta Leon, thought we'd cleared that up but didn't get much acknowledgement but it surely is the best way, as it makes nae sense "us" sending money acroos Europe only for it to be sent back