And on the 108th day God said: "Let there be camcovers" !!!
Received a long awaited email from the Germans this afternoon: the first 'sample'-batch is ready to be sent off. One is for me , and 4 plus 4 fittingkits will be sent to Taffr after he pays them.
Moneywise I think we have a good deal, just the conversion-rate for the GBP to Euro is lower than in February; hope Taffr has enough moneys to pay them all.
For these first 4 camcovers plus 4 fitting kits plus P&P they want 693,50 euro which is 173,40 ea. which equals approx. £137.50 . From way back in this post I think everyone paid £132.50 in advance for a cover plus fittingkit.
I let Taffr figure out how he deals with the difference. (difference caused by the conversionratio and by the fact that we calculated with a fittingkit price of £22.50 which actually was £26.00 .
As the ebay one sold for £440 recently I think if Taffr hasn't enough £ 's to convert to euro's everyone just should pay him another fiver or so.
Is he still going to supply us or is he just gonna sell them all on eBay
from what I can see of it bit of both, maybe the tactic is hoping that we will go away, but like most Escort bits on the bay, he'll find that after having sold 10-15 of them, the interest will die off rapidly and he won' make anything like what he's making at the moment.
If he flogged one a month he could keep up the interest, but if people see that they keep coming they'll wait, knowing there'll be another one along in a minute
Let's sit tight for a week or so and see if he supplies the goods. Then if no progress do we tell him we know what he is doing.
Alternatively, we could keep ramping up the bids on his RS Covers on eBay and when we win the bids refuse to pay. Not very nice, but he is not playing fair with us either. That way he won't be selling the covers to anyone