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thos rocker cover

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  • Originally posted by taffr View Post
    nice work Leon, i feel the same but i'm also prepared to wait for the camcovers to turn up, never mind gives us all something to look forward too

    Santa Claus


    • Originally posted by rwdrs View Post
      Santa Claus

      i'll stop shaving now, just to get into the part


      • Here you go (German text below); I think I couldn't have made this more easier for the German then this ...
        Hello Mr. Schulze,

        the Clubmembers from the UK are asking me when the camcovers are ready.
        Haven't received any more/new Info from you regarding postage & packing costs to the UK with the Hermes services.

        I want to make you the following proposition:
        We are buying from you:

        - 41 camcovers in Black for 130,90 euro ea.
        - 9 camcovers in Blue for 130,90 euro ea.
        - 29 fittingkits for 35 euro ea.

        All plus P&P but I will come to that later.
        You will send:

        - 35 camcovers in Black
        - 8 camcovers in Blue
        - 27 fittingkits

        to our Clubmember:

        Graham Rogerson

        (his emailaddress is
        Furthermore you will send:

        - 4 camcovers in Black
        - 1 camcover in Blue
        - 1 fittingkit

        to our Clubmember:

        Soren Sorensen

        The total amount for the parts above Graham Rogerson will send to you.
        The remaining parts:

        - 1 camcover in Black
        - 1 fittingkit

        Both these parts are for me, my address is:

        L. van Mullekom
        the Netherlands

        I will pay you directly for those parts.
        And finally:

        - 1 camcover in Black

        This is for our Clubmember in Berlin.
        He will contact you directly regarding address and payment.
        Postage & packing:

        I have looked at the Hermes service prices and would like to suggest:
        you can buy boxes at Hermes in size
        - S ; 35 x 34 x 15 cm , for 1 camcover (box costs 1,50 euro)
        - M ; 55 x 45 x 25 cm , for 3 camcovers (box costs 1,80 euro)

        For the 43 camcovers and 27 fittingkits you can buy 15 Parcels size M.
        14 boxes with 3 camcovers each, the last box with 1 camcover and the fittingkits.
        If you attach 2 boxes size M together as one parcel it becomes a "Parcel L";
        Postage for one L-Parcel to the UK is 29,90 euro.
        Postage for one M-Parcel to the UK is 19,90 euro.
        Total postagecosts to the UK:
        7x 29,90 + 19,90 + 15x 1,80 euro = 256,20 euro
        For the 5 camcovers plus one fittingkit to Danmark you buy 2 size M boxes.
        If you again attach these 2 boxes together it will be a "Parcel L";
        Postage with Hermes is 29,90 euro.
        Total postagecosts to Danmark:
        29,90 + 2x 1,80 = 33,50 euro.
        For the 1 camcover1 plus one fittingkit to teh Netherlands you buy 1 size M box.
        Postage with Hermes is 19,90 euro.
        Total postagecosts to the Netherlands:
        19,90 + 1,80 = 21,70 euro.
        Who pays what?

        Graham Rogerson:

        48 camcovers + 28 fittingkits + postage to the UK + postage to Danmark.
        So: 48x 130,90 + 28x 35,00 + 256,20 + 33,50 = 7552,90 euro.

        Leon van Mullekom:
        1 camcover + 1 fittingkit + postage to the Netherlands.
        So: 130,90 + 35,00 + 21,70 = 189,60 euro.

        Jamie from Berlin:
        1 camcover + postage.


        Please send me an email if this is OK for you and if you have finished the camcovers.
        Then we can conclude this deal.

        Original German Text:

        Gutentag Herr Schulze,

        die Klubmitglieder in England fragen mir wie es mittlerweile steht mit die Ventildeckel.
        Habe bis jetzt noch keine weitere/neue Info bekommen von Ihnen uber Versandkosten nach England mit Hermes Paketdienst.

        Ich mochte ihnen folgenden Vorschlag machen:
        Wir kaufen bei ihnen:

        - 41 Ventildeckel in Schwarz fur 130,90 euro p/St
        - 9 Ventildeckel in Ford Blau fur 130,90 euro p/St
        - 29 BS Montagekit fur 35 euro p/St.

        Alles zzgl. Versandkosten aber das kommt noch.
        Sie verschicken dann:

        - 35 Ventildeckel in Schwarz
        - 8 Ventildeckel in Ford Blau
        - 27 BS Montagekit

        nach unser Klubmitglied:


        (seine emailadresse: )
        Weiterhin verschicken Sie dann:

        - 4 Ventildeckel in Schwarz
        - 1 Ventildeckel in Ford Blau
        - 1 BS Montagekit

        nach unser Klubmitglied:

        Soren Sorensen

        Den Gesamtbetrag fur die obenstehenden Teile schickt ihnen Herr Graham Rogerson per Internationale Bankuberweisung.
        Dann verbleiben noch:

        - 1 Ventildeckel in Schwarz
        - 1 BS Montagekit

        Die beide Teilen sind fur mir bestimmt, meine Anschrift:

        L. van Mullekom
        Noordsingel 28
        NL - 5961 XX Horst
        die Niederlande

        Ich werde den Gesamtbetrag fur meine Teile direkt an ihnen uberweisen.
        Und als letzte:

        - 1 Ventildeckel in Schwarz

        Der ist fur unser Mitglied in Berlin.
        Er wird ihnen selber benachrichtigen wie er dieses Teil bezahlt.

        Ich habe mich bei Hermes erkundigt und wurde folgendes vorschlagen:
        bei Hermes kann mann Pakete kaufen in der Grosse
        - S ; 35 x 34 x 15 cm , da passt einen Ventildeckel rein. (Paket kostet 1,50 euro)
        - M ; 55 x 45 x 25 cm , da passen 3 Ventildeckel rein. (Paket kostet 1,80 euro)

        Fur die 43 Ventildeckel und 27 Stuck Montagekit kaufen Sie 15 Stuck Paket Grosse M.
        14 Stuck mit jeweils 3 Ventildeckel, der letzte mit einen Ventildeckel und die Montagekits.
        Wenn Sie jeweils 2 Pakete Grosse M zusammenkleben ist das ein Paket L;
        Versandkosten fur ein L-Paket nach Grossbrittanien sind 29,90 euro.
        Versandkosten fur ein M-Paket nach Grossbrittanien sind 19,90 euro.
        Total an Versandkosten nach England:
        7x 29,90 + 19,90 + 15x 1,80 euro = 256,20 euro .
        Fur die 5 Ventildeckel und ein Montagekit nach Danemark kaufen Sie 2 Pakete Grosse M.
        Wenn Sie wieder die 2 Pakete zusammenkleben wird es ein L-Paket;
        Versandkosten bei Hermes sind 29,90 euro.
        Gesamtbetrag an versandkosten nach Danemark:
        29,90 + 2x 1,80 = 33,50 euro.
        Fur die eine Ventildeckel und ein Montagelkit nach die Niederlande kaufen Sie ein Paket Grosse M.
        Versandkosten bei Hermes sind dann 19,90 euro
        Gesamtbetrag Versandkosten nach die Niederlande:
        19,90 + 1,80 = 21,70 euro.

        Wer bezahlt was??

        Graham Rogerson:
        48 Ventildeckel + 28 Montagekits + Versand nach England + Versand nach Danemark.
        Also: 48x 130,90 + 28x 35,00 + 256,20 + 33,50 = 7552,90 euro.

        Leon van Mullekom:
        1 Ventildeckel + 1 Montagekit + Versand nach Holland.
        Also: 130,90 + 35,00 + 21,70 = 189,60 euro.

        Jamie aus Berlin:
        1 Ventildeckel + Versand.

        Bitte schreib mir eine email ob dies fur ihnen OK ist und ob die Ventildeckel schon fertiggestellt sind.
        Dann konnen wir zur Abwicklung kommen.

        MfG, Leon van Mullekom.


        • will be a nice christmas pressie for us all,



          • Thanks for all your efforts Leon. Looks like Herr Schulze doesn't work on the same German efficiency levels as most of his countrymen. He must be related to someone on this BB

            looks like There won't be any new rocker covers on display at The Lakes 2008


            • thanks for all your hard work guys
              will have to get a bigger stocking so santa can fit it in


              • Originally posted by taffr View Post
                i'll stop shaving now, just to get into the part
                it's not that worrying is it???


                • ahh well, what will be will be

                  I have been hanging back on screwing my cam cover back on in hope

                  I'll get it on now
                  Cheers Glyn


                  • Thanks for your efforts. It just seems to be one excuse after another. Mr S would have well known the delivery schedule of the castings when the order was placed. It's not like we ordered a couple of hundred!
                    We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland


                    • no rush here at all, as and when, not bothered as i prolly wont fit it anyway


                      • Originally posted by lee bishop View Post
                        no rush here at all, as and when

                        same here


                        • Originally posted by lee bishop View Post
                          no rush here at all, as and when, not bothered as i prolly wont fit it anyway
                          i will give you a fiver for yours when it arrives then .. saves wasting all the hard work to get them ...............


                          • i better clarify as it may make me sound ungrateful, which i am not!!

                            i had a crappy year last year with the car, probably spannering 3 hours for every 1 hour driven, so this year i intend to do as little as possible, and just get stuff done in the closed season ( sept - march )


                            • I think we all will be patient and wait until they are finished ... 8 days to go, already on 300 euro!!


                              • By the time I get mine, the car will have been sold , always a silver lining though, I'll have to purchase another RS to put it on , Well done with all the hard work..

