Mr. Schulze promised me weeks ago to quote me a price for shipment of all the camcovers (with the Hermes courier service) to taffr.
Like all of his other promises before he didn't kept this one either ... wrote taffr last weekend that I had almost completely "had" it with them Germans
They do not respond to emails so I have to get phone them; because me was very busy the last couple of weeks and cause them covers were not ready for shipment anyway, I didn't contact them.
But will try tomorrow, if they are working that is because most of the people in the Fatherland have the day off because of Easter. (the favorite thing to do for the Germans during Easter is to invade Holland ... again).
If there's news I'll let you know.
don't know about that me and the missus went to Belgium for the weekend and very nice it was too (not that I'm German, you understand)
I think Leon old stick, that most people will be having tomorrow off all over Europe apart from our muslim friends running most of the local bakers shops around thisd way,
I can't rightly understand it all the same, as I say it's not like the Germans to look a gift horse in the mouth (certainly when it's about making money).
I wouldn't bother trying to phone 'em tomorrow as there's no way they'll be working, I know I shan't (thank f@@k)
I can always give the bloke a buzz to see what the score is and sort him out, but tomorrow will be a dead loss I can tell you that now
I am aware that most Germans have a long weekend off because of Easter.
Will try and phone them tomorrow.
In the mean time I did Mr. Schulze's work for him and emailed a proposed quote to him ... based on the prices he gave me in January plus postage costs according to the Hermes courier.
In short it's an order for 50 camcovers and 29 fittingkits in total.
43 camcovers and 27 fittingkits to go to "taffr";
5 camcovers and 1 fittingkit to go to "the-Dane";
1 camcover and 1 fittingkit to go to "me"; (sorting out my own payment);
1 camcover to go to rwdrs (sorting out his own payment).
Remember the plan was that the camcovers would be ready for shipment next week; as long as they stick to that there is no delay, well sort of.
Update: spoke to Herr Schulze this afternoon.
They received the first batch of 25 rough-castings (hope you know what I mean) only 2 days ago. They are machining the camcovers at the moment but he thinks that to the complete batch of 50 we have on order will take another 4 weeks.
He didn't had the time to look at my proposal for a quote yet, but after he realised that it was an order of over 7000 euros he promised he would do that this evening and after that he would call me.