You need to declare SORN if you are not going to tax it
My Car was taxed and registerd as taxed with the DVLA
Car has laid up insurance so techncally it is insured
Car was locked up in a garage so why do I need to have road insurance
Can find anything in DVLA rules that tells me I have not complied with the rules
insured yes, insured for the road no so doesnt get submitted to the Motor insurance data base (MID) so it will get flagged up but the DVLA as being taxed without insurance.
The first letter is just a warning, if you are actually getting a fine then you have ignored the first letter.
Either SORN it or get road insurance
You have suffered "Trial By Computor" An easy day light robbery without the lazy arses having to even catch you on the road, proper criminal (NOT).
Police don't have the time to put drivers over anymore, too busy looking for "Coffee Time crime" between 10.30am am 11.30am on their silly voting time push bikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!