Lads I'm in b l o o d y pain tonight,I've been doing some flagging at my house today,but im in bad pain at the bottom of my back,what can I do???.ive taken some pain killers earlier,but I'm struggling walking about as tho I'm in my 80'shas anyone got any tips please!!!!...
get someone else to do the flagging next time, did you finish the flagging
Were they the 3x2 flags we relay the old council ones at work 100 kg each
They're a night mare m8
Best thing you can take is tramadol
It's the only thing that helps mine
And rest with maybe heat pack
And maybe stick to your own job in future
just seen the tread i was there doing the job he was supping tea scratching his bollocks giving the orders the bad back must have been from picking up his wallet to pay the bill. hope it did not ruin your fridaynight action. get well soon