You pay your money and you take your chances - Wish it was mine! (and I'm guessing so do some of you nay-sayers too!)
I trust you jest!
This is known as ringing, and paying 21K for the privilege too!
Maybe, just maybe you could argue, it's only a "replacement shell", but not in this case, all the buyer holds in their hand is a log book and "possibly" both chassis plates – not the original engine, trim glass, nothing, i.e. the identity car itself no longer exists; just a log book
This is known as ringing, and paying 21K for the privilege too!
Maybe, just maybe you could argue, it's only a "replacement shell", but not in this case, all the buyer holds in their hand is a log book and "possibly" both chassis plates – not the original engine, trim glass, nothing, i.e. the identity car itself no longer exists; just a log book
tell us something we don't know.loads of them about and being built.
what i need is a high horse like the others have !
This is known as ringing, and paying 21K for the privilege too!
Maybe, just maybe you could argue, it's only a "replacement shell", but not in this case, all the buyer holds in their hand is a log book and "possibly" both chassis plates – not the original engine, trim glass, nothing, i.e. the identity car itself no longer exists; just a log book
So it'll be just like 100s of other RS Escort/Lotus Cortinas etc. out there then eh? I really do dispare at the hypocrocy amongst the owners of classic cars, or are you really that naive?
As long as the shell he has supplied with the book is not stolen then it is not classed a ringer
The seller has been carefull not to disclose the registration so when the "car" appears on the road only a few will know that it is the "£21k car off Ebay"
If he had not provided a "substantial" amount of a car with the sale Ebay would have removed his sale but because he offered a shell and various "spec" parts suitable for an Escort the sale has been allowed to go through
Am sure if what he was doing was illegal Ebay like many other websites are monitered to identify any illegal practises
Same as if someone on here offers just a V5 for sale I will remove the ad and warn member not to do such a thing - but if they offer a shell with it then there is nothing I can do about it
Originally posted by Motoring Website
A 'ringer' is a stolen car that has had its identification numbers replaced by a set from another - usually written-off - car, which effectively changes the car's identity.
So it'll be just like 100s of other RS Escort/Lotus Cortinas etc. out there then eh? I really do dispare at the hypocrocy amongst the owners of classic cars, or are you really that naive?
That's hardly the right attitude, I am no hypocrit, I have never "rung" anything and do not condone it. If people elect to ring cars that's up to them, it may be a fact of life but it doesn't excuse it. That is just a very "convinient" view of the law, i.e. if I don't get caught then it can't be that bad, everybody else is doing anyway!!!!!!!!!!
You are also not allowed to remove the identity from a body, that chassis no. belongs to that shell.
Who has mentioned anything about removing a chassis number - the seller has declared there is no chassis number in the shell due to previous repairs
btw:- Not arguing with you but this seller has (it appears) covered all bases as he knows full well Ebay would have removed the sale and because of its rarity it would attract a lot of interest and (as here) discussion
Very convenient buy a log book off eBay for another car and make a car from bits, what a joke. Then parade it around to others! Pass it off as an "RS1800", its called deception I think it is morally wrong! And eBay shouldn't be allowing it.
So if anyone has there car stolen and broken up and re-registered using an log book "off eBay" its fine then!
Very convenient buy a log book off eBay for another car and make a car from bits, what a joke. Then parade it around to others! Pass it off as an "RS1800", its called deception I think it is morally wrong! And eBay shouldn't be allowing it.
So if anyone has there car stolen and broken up and re-registered using an log book "off eBay" its fine then!