that does sound like the hcu module (hydrulic control unit). take it back to your ford dealer as it will of stored a dtc (fault code) regardless if the light is off now!
Same part went on my Golf, they arent cheap so get it sorted before the warranty runs out, part was £1500 but VW covered it even tho it was out of warranty due to my cars low mileage but still main dealer serviced on time.
Thanks for info hally. I took it back to fords and they said it would only store for 15 days. I think it may of been just over that. They did say though that if it comes on again take it straight to them and they will check it straight out.
I hope it does in a way so I can sort it.
Cheers again.
Same part went on my Golf, they arent cheap so get it sorted before the warranty runs out, part was £1500 but VW covered it even tho it was out of warranty due to my cars low mileage but still main dealer serviced on time.
its unfortunate thats happened but surely you knew it was a 3yr 100000 mile warranty on a say they are still willing to assist you with repairs 8 months out of warranty, dont think that is too bad a service.also because fmc are giving you goodwill the dealer still can charge whatever labour rate they want too. it doesnt have to be full retail and can bring the labour down to what there warranty labour is.ask the svs manager to reduce the labour rate as like i said can charge you whatever he wants!!
Hally to answer your question, yes i did know it was 100,000 or 3 years but did not expect to face a bill for £1300 8 months out of warranty when the van has only done 16000 miles (still got the rubber bobbles on the tires) thats sixteen thousand not 30,40,50,60 or even 70 thousand miles which i could accept, like i said if it had been a courier or builders van it would have failed within the first year and have been covered in full but being a leisure vechicle it does not get used as much, its been serviced at yearly intervals even as you will know the service intervals on the 140ps is every 24 months so i think ive shown commitment to looking after the van, i bought new so as i thought would have peice of mind, Hally take your company hat off and put your customer hat on how would you feel well pi--ed off i would have thought but thats what i get for being a Ford fan rant over all the best Gray.
Yeah of I would be pig sick too but do you really think ford are been unfair contrubuting towards your repair even though it's out of warranty, ford don't have to assist in anyway when out of the warranty period, but they do !!!
Nither does VW but by all accounts they do and FOC, i think my point is 16000 miles on a component such as a turbo makes me think it was a sub standard part or not fit for purpose when fitted on the line or would have failed within warranty if it had normal use, this is why i bought new and a Ford i did not want this, i think Ford should admit that a turbo should not fail at such a low mileage and stand by their product lets have some customer loyalty like i had product loyalty and not just two new motorhomes but a lot of Ford cars over the last thirty years i also work for a company that has approx 400 livered vechicles 75% Transits 5% rangers and 20% other makes Citroens etc to my knolledge no turbos have ever failed on any of our Transits within our ownership we keep them on average four years sounds like VW could be on the cards if they look after their customers has have been implied Gray. ps im not getting at you mate.
i think ford are excepting it should not of happened hence the reason they will pay half your repair bill even though vehicle is 8 months out of warranty.
Hally i think your right mate the powers that be do accept that it should not have happend but they are not paying half just half the price of the turbo my contribution is £1300 theirs is £500, anyway whats done is done the little man is always on a looser against the corparates i was hoping for Ford to play fair admit the turbo was not fit for purpose pay for a new one after all they buy that many it probaly only costs them two parts of naff all this would leave me with the labour cost which i was happy to do and would reinstate my faith in the blue ovel, no doupt you will comment on this reply but im not going to post again i dont want to become a whinging bore but i will just say when it happens to you and i mean that relatively and you feel let down and unfairly treated by a faceless company that wont even give you a email address for CRC only a PO box and treat you with contempt then i hope the sales figures hit rock bottom then somone somewhere thinks how can we inprove the situation "i know lets listen to our customers" i must say the assistant service manager at my local dealer Sandicliffes has been fantastic if i were a vindictive person i would start to influence my procurment manager to stop buying Ford commercal vechicles but it would be a case of cutting my nose to spite my face because i do think the Transit is a great van so thats me hope to meet you at an event sometime Hally regards Gray. (sorry for the spelling mistakes) im a Carpenter by trade not an English teacher)