been there twice! silly fool aint I!
Dermot, hang in there mate. Believe it or not it does finally get better. It's a shit that you are going thru the HIgh Court, I hope I dont get that far. I'm going thru it all now with the 2nd wife, so far very amicable and I have no choice but to pay maintenance for the kids(2) but I'm surviving with a wonderful group of friends who have supported me thru the last 10 months. The Trials bike club and the RSOC have helped so much and I have met many people I havent seen for ages, so keep ya hobbies going. Oh and I still have my 3 bikes and Mk2 RS2000. Damn lucky too.
Chin up mate.
good luck dermot.i have been away from the house since september ,tried to work it out after twenty five years married but was not happy and was asked to leave to get my "head sorted".when i then said i wasnt coming back it all changed.i am finding it hard not seeing my daughter who is nearly fifteen every day and finances are bad at the moment as im living in a flat.xmas was hard but i keep telling myself it will get better.even had some people i was really close to trying to stir things which really ****ed me off .it helps reading some of you guys troubles as i dont have a clue where to start
Been through this myself and its very,very tough, especially if there are children involved!
You may feel at times that there is no way forward but as others have said, with time , it does get easier.
Hi been there got the T-shirt from seperation to recieving the diviorce paper work took 16 moth's and cost £1100.ended Nov 09 wot a day!!
I gave my gready, lying, thieving, b--ch a good deal to set up else where and i pay for the wee man and have him at wknd's
Keep it amicable as possibile, it can be difficult at times but walk away and have a good think before you speak get it rite 1st time,
Her pal's will be giving her advice just like we are to you,hopefully she won't try and sting you and don't let her
The solisitors are all in it togather and know how much they can make don't let them put you up against each other,remember when they open ther mouth's ther lying, they will win other wise,the law is on the woman's side these day's, there another shower of gready, lying b-----ds,
You just got to be focused we wear the trousers,when it's all over go and buy an escort of your choice as i have and enjoy,best of luck
Keep your chins up guys I went through this 12 yrs ago I decided to fight fire with fire and turned into a hebitch played her at her own game was mister nicey nicey yes sir no sir,I am roughly back were i was then financially and she hasnt got a pot to **** in No Brainer lol He who laughs last and all that.Anyone out there going through a divorce hang in there dont ever get that low that you start giving up keep focussed on what you want and it will never be that bad,Why would anyone top their selves for a splitter ? How many splitters do it ! Well then