Its gonna be as standard as i can get it, yet still in a condition that i can drive it in all weathers.The ziebart underneath has preserved the underside in pretty much mint condition all this time so i am going to use a similar finish on the underside.
I have done the concours thing with two of my bikes and have won a few pots.The trouble is you want to maintain that "as new" condition and it kind of spoils the enjoyment a bit for me.
That said i have saved every original fastener and intend to replate and re-use them....
As part of the deal i negotiated enough original ford beta cloth to trim the front seats,so i picked that up today.The only problem,or so i thought was that although it is still on the roll it has de-laminated from the backing foam.I dropped all this off at the trimmers,a guy who is well versed in working to the highest standard with these seats.
He said that the delaminated beta cloth is better to deal with as it can be seperated from the foam and rebonded with a reliable adhesive.The last thing i want is to trim the seats and for the cloth to delam and go baggy so hopefully i will not have the problem and the seats will be mint.
this is what im talking about, finally a standard restoration ....great find and great to see your stuck right in....the shell looks pretty good to start with, great colour as like the others and look forward to seeing the progression...fair play to ya
Thanks for the encouraging words Chaps,its much appreciated...
Well today it has gone to the paint shop.I had to leave a few things on to leave it as a rolling chassis to help moving it.
I can now get stuck into renovating the running gear and interior parts.
Incidentally thats the first pic that i have taken that give a true idea of the shade.In the others it looks more yellowy.
Great thread, I hope its not too late before your body guy starts, but could you plaese take some reference measurements for the decal positions, some of us mex boys would like to make sure our cars are as "correct" as yours
Hi Adrian what a cracking car you have got yourself very lucky man,looking forward to your resto but looking to what you have done already you will have that minty mint car you really wanted.Best of luck keep the pics comming.
Great thread, I hope its not too late before your body guy starts, but could you plaese take some reference measurements for the decal positions, some of us mex boys would like to make sure our cars are as "correct" as yours
I have already taken rafts of photos,so i will post some reference pics later for the decals.
So here are a few reference pics for decal and badge placement.I will post some pics with measurements and some without so you can see the relevance to swage lines.