I have been quite busy in the evenings this last week working on the engine.I have rebuilt it with new main bearings,new big end bearings and new rings.I have taken all of the fasteners to the platers for new zinc so i can't button the ancillaries on to it till next week when it will be ready.
I have also collected some parts that i have had vapour blasted.
Does anybody have any advice on the most authentic finish for the exhaust manifold please?
I have done a little more later on this afternoon.I am a bit stuck until the fasteners come back from the platers.I have cleaned up the fan and hung a few bits on the engine to see how it looks.I am trying not to over do it but also trying to work to a good standard....I burnished the exhaust manfold with a scotch pad and paraffin...Then i thoroughly de greased it before coating it with a clear VHT paint....Whilst the wife was at work i baked the manifold in the oven to harden the coating!
This is getting better every day, makes me want to take my engine out now and do the same.
Im very very impressed with the vapour blasting results, and its hard to beat a sneaky manifold baking in the oven, you might have some explaining to do if your Sunday roast tastes a bit strange though ?