here we go again managed to get a few hours in the garage took a wee bit longer than i thought ,i used the capri insert just got some nyloc unf nuts and got a machine shop to make a groove for the funny butterfly washer at the top to slip in properly ,just needs a couple of days for the suspension to settle to its proper height ,well happy ,just need to sort out a water leak (could be waterpump ) and the temp gauge plus a few small wee jobs then its ready fo the coming season i make it sound easy and not much work but i know that i'll still be working on her a week before the mot
thanks but after putting it all together on the car have found out that the dust shield is rubbing against the disc i have vented discs ,i take it thats why the 2.8 bilstein legs donnt have those dust shields ,bit of a bummer ,also tackled the water leak wasnt really apparent where it was coming from so stripped all the hoses ,took out radiator ,took of water pump ,put on new waterpump,checked all the hoses (looked ok no splits ) checked the radiator again nothing obvious there so put it all together and lo and behold still water coming out hardly anything but you can see drops on the engine ,sump ,I,m hoping its just a little overspill as there was nothing on the floor ,if so then been a waste of a couple of days ,was so annoyed just left the tools on the floor and locked ,will see what the mood is like in the next couple o weeks ,thought things were going to well
many thanks guys much appreciated ,as for the seats mr Hoarder would have liked to have had them done profi but as i live so far away its just not feasable to send some items away haulage costs from the island can be quite pricey to say the least ,but if i may say so they bturned out no bad going to redo the webbing on the drivers seat as its not as supporting as the passenger seat
well as a resto/project is never really ready as theres always something to tweak etc been a busy bunny the last couple o evenings ,changed the mudflaps for the proper ford ones (with the large logo )and looks much better ,sprayed my alloys as i couldnt be bothered with keeping them shiny and also looks much better ,had the mechanic down last night checked timing and set up everything so the car is running very sweet (since i put electronic ignition in one turn of the key and away she goes)and last but not least got my temp gauge working today .Took the gauge apart and cleaned up everything and resoldered the thin wire onto there posts ,Couldnt resist going for a wee spin on the private road where i stay,luvly jubbly very happy bunny so i am thats the car now ready bar a polish then mot when the nice weather arrives again
funny thing is that been meaning to do those jobs for ages but cold nights (although the garage is heated ) dampens the enthusiasim a bit only went out for a screwdriver started pottering about on the car and hey presto all done