Hi, Martin Trout here, finally managed to register!!! Can't believe the state the car ended up in and great to see you doing such a great job on the new restoration. The car must have had at least £15,000 spent on it since I owned it!! All the receipts and documentation I had for it were in a blue folder going back to 1980, have you still got the folder?? I spent approx 5 years trying to rebuild it and unfortunately gave up when we were expecting our first child. All of the stove enamelling, goodridge piping, stainless nuts and bolts were all done by me. The seats were capri seats that I had faced in leather and the 7.5 alloy wheels were squeezed under the arches after some serious beating with a 6ft bar with an angle on the end! Where are you situated? Would like to hear from you, I've got loads of stories about it if you are interested.
Finally got round to getting the stripes on the Mex (think there on right)?? Thought about putting them on myself, but realised it would be a sure fire way of ruining a stripe kit!! So got a guy I know "Ken the Stripe" who fits vinyl graphics for a living to do it........ I reckon it's the best 30 quid i've spent on the car so far!! However he did say "I don't want to do another one anytime soon"! It was a PJG kit, but he still had to do quite a bit of fettling on the front and back arches.
Always wanted 7.5's myself, got some 7's, what rubber have you put on 'em?
Just getting the arches rolled will do the job, what about a spacer kit and no rubbing at all anywhere????