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YUE's Engine is out at last!
Finally managed to get the front brakes fitted this evening. Have had a right load of hassle with them, mainly due, to them being supplied with several sets of the wrong spacers and various bolts, and then when I finally got the right bits through, I had to get 5mm milled of the calipers so that they would clear the bells!!. Hopefully there all sorted now and that they stop as well as they look!!
Oh and then I thought.......... lets drill some holes in the bulk head pad..........!!!!!Sorry guys but it had to be done.......
Right guys, had a rather momentus day today!!!........... After nearly 3 years, my Mex was finally driven out of the workshop under it's own steam!!!!!
There's still a few bits and bobs to sort out, such as fit the centre console, tidy up some wiring, wire up the spots, fit the boot badges, sort out a ****y mudflap! and i'm still waiting for the hand brake cable to arrive (come on retro Dave, sort it out)! It's then going down to Northampton Motorsport for the front suspension and tracking to be set up properly, then a run on the rollers to make sure the carbs are ok, an MOT, and with a bit of luck it might make it to the pod next Sunday!!
I've also got to give it a dam good clean! There's about 3 months worth of dust and crap on it at the moment, although it doesn't look too bad in the pictures.
I would just like to say a very big thankyou to everyone who's helped me get the car to it's present state. Unfortunately my spannering skills are rather limited! And without alot of assistance I don't think the car would have ever got to this stage, in my ownership anyway.
Special thanks goes out to, Greg, Simon, Matt and Jason, for their help and time on the spanners, Chris for the parts and advice. Bob for the bodywork and paint, Paul for the engine, Burton's and West Wales Rally spares for releaving me of the hard earned!! and an extra big thanks to Rodders who did the majority of the work in getting it back up and running, and who's very good at "making a bracket" and weilding the grinder!!!Plus thanks to all you guys on this board for the advice and encouragement
I forgot to say........... it sound's fecking awesome!!!