If they vote yes, we should rebuild Hadrians Wall and put razor wire on the top of it. We've been through a lot together, 2 world wars fighting side by side, I can't believe that numpty Salmond will convince all the bravehearts to vote yes.
Its all the young uns that will swing it ..
,, how can a 16 year old know what is what ,,
I can't believe that numpty Salmond will convince all the bravehearts to vote yes.
I takes one charismatic person, see Farage (or a not very charismatic Adolf) to hook people, they go with whatever this person says, then it all turns sour...
All us brits moan about the government , tax , illegals , etc
So .. if its YES .. good luck to em
Lets see if they make a better job of it
Unfortunately the demographic is dissimilar to the rest of the UK (faster ageing population) and an iScotland will be looking to having large scale immigration, yet another reason that there'll have to be a border set up...
Its actually getting a bit nasty an old neighbour of mine was sworn at in the street where we stay for not taking a Yes sticker.
And if you look at some of the posts on Facebook its embarrassing the bile that is not always but mostly posted by those wanting a Yes vote when someone disagrees with them.
Personally its a no from me.
I agree with this, seen some nasty Nationalistic stuff posted from both sides, even my Beloved West Ham flag got dragged into one photo along with the Ulster Banner by some Ex-pat Gers fans who have made WHU their local team
Flying up to Aberdeen every few weeks to go offshore, I think there are a lot of Naw voters have been keeping their heads down as they don't want the agro of your not Scottish comments from the Aye voters. Also there are a lot of questions that have not been answered, like the pound (Indi Scotland can use it without Westminsters sayso but has no say over policy), the joining Europe issue (Europe does not want fragmentation of Nations).
Whatever happens its going to be fairly close I think, the problem being say 45% of the populus of Scotland is not going to get what they want and that could be a problem that rumbles on for a while yet........And to be honest that troubles me a lot from a land that is blessed with some wonderful scenery, beer, and once you get used to it food....Whiskey blughrrrr