electric door handles....
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Oldskool Security
Originally posted by RS2000CUSTOMbtw : - dont turn this into a "how to pinch a MKII" thread
We have enough trouble keeping hold of MKII's as it is !!
red and black wire to starter on a switch......that comes from barrel....
any more....
Mate if they are going to pinch it, it make no odds what u type an on bbs
Wheel clamps
Driveway posts
Quick release steering wheel
In an alarmed garage
Fuel Tap or lock off
If car in storage - remove wheels !
Engrave all items on car
Add markings to car photograph them and tell no-one where they are
Dont publish on BB's when you are on holiday
Just a few ideas
steering lock........delock the front doors (easily done, capri door handles) and have central locking (universal kits can be brought for £30, and can be fitted in minutes).....yale lock the boot........park a **** off mondeo infront of the drive.....own an alsatian.....become a very light sleeper and sleep with the windows open.......etc etc.
all ideas that are in current use with my car