You guys are going to love this then on Monday C4 21:00
I need to go back to work also, but never bothered claiming this time and had quite a nice time off. I've ended up with an extra £1000 tax bill for next year.....cause I claimed JSA last year for a few months (£1100ish)
I have just had a first compensation payment for lost wages from the Oil Refinery I worked at for £102....when I was owed £8400 good eh so that makes me £9.4K down. And I can't offset that as lost earnings on my tax lucky me !
The other half is a Maths teacher, and she has not had a pay rise for a few years while getting more work piled on her.
Sry just venting my spleen as it were. I'm lucky due being able to get lucrative work offshore and always been happy to pay my way but really thinking about going self employed and giving the Govt. as little as possible
I need to go back to work also, but never bothered claiming this time and had quite a nice time off. I've ended up with an extra £1000 tax bill for next year.....cause I claimed JSA last year for a few months (£1100ish)

I have just had a first compensation payment for lost wages from the Oil Refinery I worked at for £102....when I was owed £8400 good eh so that makes me £9.4K down. And I can't offset that as lost earnings on my tax lucky me !
The other half is a Maths teacher, and she has not had a pay rise for a few years while getting more work piled on her.
Sry just venting my spleen as it were. I'm lucky due being able to get lucrative work offshore and always been happy to pay my way but really thinking about going self employed and giving the Govt. as little as possible
