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when will it stop
Originally posted by mark2marty View Post ebay v5's used to ring stolen cars must be stopped and passing off replicas as genuine cars as well. What do people think of this reshell or die proposal, i think the jist of this is you can keep old reg number but cannot then sell car on as 100% original more of a replica but still legal. So if rs is beyond economical repair instead of building mechanicals into pop shell and legally having to use pop reg you can keep your old rs number but new logbook will say car has been reshelled so future buyers are kept informed and can decide on a fair price for the car.
The only reason people currently switch books is to deceive plain and simple. This wouldn't stop with the above proposal.
Whilst I'm commenting again I think it should be clarified that what Ford done with service shells has nothing whatsoever to do with what is happening at the moment. If you can get a new shell today then there is nothing wrong with using it as was done back in the day.
Although I dare say someone will come up with an example but I cannot imagine Ford ever reshelled a car into an already registered used shell.
It's simple isn't it. Nothing at all wrong with building an RS rep but just be honest about it. You're either are on the side of moody illegal reps and support criminal activity or your not simple as that guys.Getting bored with the idiots
Just digress from the seven pages of wonderful debate and add a serious note on the Classic Car Monthly idea - Imo, the restore or die (ROD) is a dead duck, even the classic car people see it for what it is, so the dvla will too. It'll be used as a tax dodge...
Just for a minute, forget the added value the RS or AVO tag adds to our car values and consider the bigger picture (the one the DVLA/Government will see).
Taking the ROD to it's conclusion, you can have a knackered old tax exempt Mini, Land Rover, Transit van etc. (yes, there are other classic cars out there!) then go out and buy a post '73 (taxable) version, swap all (or none!) of the original 'historic vehicle' parts on to the 'new' shell and hey presto! A tax exempt vehicle.
If people think this is ever going to hit the statute books, then they are mad. VOSA already spend lots of time checking for this; old Land Rovers are ripe for it., Defender TDis running about on 1965 Series 2 reg numbers - It would be a nightmare if the ROD was allowed, so I'm sure it won't!