Sorry, I was being a tad facetious. Been using Macs for 20+ years, so everything is instinctive.
You can do most stuff (well, not really most stuff, but you know what I mean) by holding down the command key (haven't got my Macbook next to me, but on my desktop's keyboard there's an apple button on it) and pressing another key. C for copy, P for paste, X for cut, Z for undo and so on. On more than one occasion I've heard graphic designers say, "Apple Z!" out loud when they've done something wrong, even if they're nowhere near a computer.
Most of the time, to copy a pic from one file to another I just drag and drop. To copy and paste a link I'll select it with the mouse/track pad then use Apple+C and Apple+P. Does that make sense?
Or is it something more complicated? (Apologies if so - I've just heard loads of PC-to-Mac converts over the years expecting easy things to be difficult).