Sweet and sour sauce is, heres why ................well, ....................... in the early 70's, the majority here didn't want to work producing their tatt, for so called peanuts, so at the works where they did, they got into the union side of things so they could have support not to work - governments didn't like being held to ransom by the unions and started urinating on the unions fireworks, until they went out - now, also in the 70's, the far east who had seen an opening in the take away food industry thought we can produce that tatt "better" and certainly cheaper cos we pay our workers even less peanuts and if they complain we'll dispose of them !!!!!!
thats it in a cashew nutshell, ......................... which are very nice in a black bean sauce with chilli beef
tomorrow my Christmas lecture will be on why Santa doesn't discriminate against small people so employs Elves
thats it in a cashew nutshell, ......................... which are very nice in a black bean sauce with chilli beef

tomorrow my Christmas lecture will be on why Santa doesn't discriminate against small people so employs Elves
