Originally posted by prs
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oh bummer thats not good at all ,at least we donnt get that ,am just fed up trying to work in shit weather( and when we do but only occasionaly get a nice day,which by the way donnt come around very often the bloomin midgies come out) sometimes i wonder why on earth i/we came back was living in germany (frankfurt ) before,it just seems every year the weather seems to be getting worse up here. When we hear of a storm down south we just laugh and think come up my way and I'll show you a storm even the grass got wind burn ,funny thing is that my mother grew a palm tree in her garden how the hell she managed that will never know
was looking at house prices in dorset,sussex crikey think i'll have to sell a kidney or two or the missus or even both ,Have got a house here worth about £120000 to maybe £140 000 tops but thats peanuts compared to your prices