how hard can it be to get a set of original bloody hoses for an rs2000 ......... .i want to take off the blue samco hoses and put on black...........or if any one wants a swop for black samco
i have got a full set of new genuine one's that i got of kev curtis i will sell but i paid a bit for them
i paid £175 for the full set....any good to you ...??
lol...they do go for a bit now the top one sells on ebay for £35 to £45 now and you carnt get the bottom one anywere and the 2 heater ones are about the same.....cheeRS
sorry m8 i just spoke to kev and it was £125 i paid not £175 my mistake its just i had a new bumper and end caps i my hands and i was going to buy them but i didnt and i think thats were i got the price from
so iam sorry for giving the wrong price for the hoses....
vinny it was good to meet you too mate i hope to see you at some more days out soon,next two weeks are to be taken up by my first love though .........Celtic f.c. big day out on sunday in edinburgh going on coach though,dont think i will be fit to drive ccasion7: .I have just found out the top and bottom hoses are available from burtons so if i could only get the long heater one going to the water pump
thats good then m8 - also a celtic fan myself, bought up from a young age to surport the Bhoys also a pompey season ticket holder.
But dont mention football on here to much m8 as the natives get a bit twichy