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  • hayfever

    anyone else struggling???

  • #2
    yep eyes and nose are and battle


    • #3
      not yet ......... lets hope it stays away.....


      • #4
        i did at santa pod the other week, but generally am ok at the moment as i live by the sea so the sea breeze keeps the pollen away i guess

        my car in the vBGarage

        ***Don't Fool With The Old Skool***


        • #5
          Not yet but usually do ;(
          the whites of my eyes usually swells up looks horrid

          Asda do killer antihistamines loratadine much better than piriton and don't make me
          drow.............zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


          • #6
            usually get hayfever symptoms around when wimbledon is on, early this year tho

            had a bad session the last few days and bad asthma during the nights
            MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50

            My Car in the VbGarage and in My Album


            • #7
              Not suffering so far.


              • #8
                Used to suffer terrible as a kid.
                Had an allergey test done at docs. I think I was allergic to most things that grew outdoors.
                Had a three year course of injections, every year between october & march I had to have a jab in alternate arms every week.

                Now I think that treatment is no longer used as there were some bad side effects.
                Luckily I've never suffered hayfever since.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mexicomark View Post
                  Now I think that treatment is no longer used as there were some bad side effects.
                  were some of the side effects hair growth that you seamed to have suffered during the past year.......


                  • #10
                    Had the same treatment as Mark but at 51 still get it bad.
                    Not yet this year at the moment though.



                    • #11
                      Pretty bad last week and then a proper killer bout on Saturday night, woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep for sneezing, snotting etc. but has calmed down a bit since.

                      I usually only get it for a couple of weeks then it naffs off but it's dragging on a bit this year - fingers crossed it goes away soon.

                      I get the loratadine tablets from LLoyds - same price for 30 days as the makes are for 7 days

                      If it doesn't break it's not modified enough


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mexicomark View Post
                        Used to suffer terrible as a kid.
                        Had an allergey test done at docs. I think I was allergic to most things that grew outdoors.
                        Had a three year course of injections, every year between october & march I had to have a jab in alternate arms every week.

                        Now I think that treatment is no longer used as there were some bad side effects.
                        Luckily I've never suffered hayfever since.
                        I used to have those injections but the doctor told me several people died from the side effects. He put me on a nasal spray called Beconase. This has virtually cured my hayfever. Only get it now when the pollen count is really high. Two squirts up the nose twice a day when it starts and within 48 hours no hayfever for at least 3 weeks, great stuff. Can be bought over the counter in any chemist.

                        My car in vBGarage


                        • #13
                          not hay fever, but just about shrugged off a head cold ive had for almost 3 weeks

                          barking up horrible greeny flem in the morning ............................ sorry too much information


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mr freeze View Post
                            were some of the side effects hair growth that you seamed to have suffered during the past year.......

                            Possibly, maybe we should get some for Frosty. Some of us can be bald by choice

                            Me having long hair then a shaved head as seen some forum members fail to recognise me at shows.


                            • #15
                              Yep, get it 365 days a year, i'm alergic to grass pollen
                              I use flixonase spray and tablets and 2 differant inhailers during the summer, also can't eat watermelon or tomatos or me throat swells up and i can't breath also alergic to asprin, it makes me head swell up and i get lumps all round me hairline so i look like a klingon
                              The old eyes swelling up sucks big time especialy when you drive for a living (not any more, cos of it) cos everything goes blurry

