Ok, Ive been through the list from Dave jupp...:thumb:
There was 188 cars on the list but about 10 were not Harriers ie 1300cc/1977 etc etc. In total plus the guy's that sent me pm's with there harrier's that are in resto on the road ect ect
Total Cars Ive checked 200 plus Cars...
Exported White= 7
Silver= 4
UK White= 15
Silver= 8
Ireland White= 3
So thats a start took me bloody ages.....
Anymore reg's would be good to add to the list, thanku
My mate also had one GNR 925V diamond white with vynal roof, we had great time on the roads of north wales, side ways this way, side ways that way, the good old days BC (before cameras).
Wonder if this ones still alive??
have just spent the last hour and a half going through the old pics
heres some more regs - all of these cars can be backed up with photos
best i can do mate
DWL 685V (owned)
OWC 310V
LFD 665V
LPP 500V
EOL 322V (used to have a RG body kit fitted cira 1988)
DEW 262V
GRU 378V (owned)
UPT 770 ?
MFK 810V
NOO 980V
OYD 567V
CCE 894V
EDA 990V
JDV 195V
EUU 214V
KDO 886V
EBO 650V
YPO 605V
KLU 542V
MNM 700V
LLX 543V
BF? ?? (very short reg on this one, but cant make it out)((one of a line up of 7 cars at Longleat circa 89-90))