Had a saph cossy only a few years ago and as Frosty said cost me nearly a grand to have head gasket replaced with head skim and some valves renewed
It can take a little time to iron out all the bugs on these older cars but just keep going, try and be patient but I do understand they can be frustrating. Sometimes the best thing to do is shut the garage door and leave it for a few days.
Generally as others have said it will be cheaper to fix even if its anything major and theres always people who can give you advice or help.
The pleasure and fun they give you is second to none and imho if the mk1/mk2 escort was on top gears cool wall it would be absolutely sub zero
It can take a little time to iron out all the bugs on these older cars but just keep going, try and be patient but I do understand they can be frustrating. Sometimes the best thing to do is shut the garage door and leave it for a few days.
Generally as others have said it will be cheaper to fix even if its anything major and theres always people who can give you advice or help.
The pleasure and fun they give you is second to none and imho if the mk1/mk2 escort was on top gears cool wall it would be absolutely sub zero