A conference call was held tonight by the Committee of the Ford RS Owners Club to discuss, amongst other issues, Concours.
Wayne Tutin - The Log Book Co-ordinator was invited to participate in this call but wasn't available. The Chairman phoned the Log-Book Co-ordinator during the call to ask that he take 5 minutes to participate in the call and put his point of view across - he declined and resigned his position.
Dave Easton is now taking care of Concours in a 'caretaker' roll until a permanent replacement is appointed.
I'm sorry Simon but you don't post on here for ages but as soon as you "Find out" something that may harm the RSOC you put the boot in straight away?????? Maybe letting your membership lapse might be a good thing.
MK2 land is not a happy place regarding the RSOC at the time being and people (Myself included) are trying damn hard to appease the situation as the MK2's are VERY important to the RSOC whatever you or anyone else may say, For me, your comments and obvious attempts at upsetting this delicate situation are not welcome on here
I very rarely agree with Frosty, but on this occasion I feel that he's got it spot on. I don't know you personally Simon, but it does appear by looking through your previous posts on this BB, that your sole aim in life, is stir up as much hatred and malice towards the RSOC and it's commitee as possible?? If you've got an axe to grind, then why don't you do it on the RSOC BB, rather than trying stir things up on here, which is normally a very harmonious and laid back enviroment ??!!
Come to think of it, weren't you at the centre of last years RS500/uppy/downy/Bellend saga???!!! What's your problem..... run out of RS500 owners to wind up, so you thought you'd try the MK1 & Mk2 brigade???.......
was thinking of joining the RSOC but what with all the bitching going around not so sure anymore maybe wait and see till the dust has settled abit whats gone wrong
best yellow
best one from dorset
best burger on a bap
that one went to Amsterdam
and dont you mean "in" a bap ? ........ and is that burger modified with onions or standard ............. and are points deducted if it has tomato relish too ?
and dont you mean "in" a bap ? ........ and is that burger modified with onions or standard ............. and are points deducted if it has tomato relish too ?
I very rarely agree with Frosty, but on this occasion I feel that he's got it spot on. I don't know you personally Simon, but it does appear by looking through your previous posts on this BB, that your sole aim in life, is stir up as much hatred and malice towards the RSOC and it's commitee as possible?? If you've got an axe to grind, then why don't you do it on the RSOC BB, rather than trying stir things up on here, which is normally a very harmonious and laid back enviroment ??!!
Come to think of it, weren't you at the centre of last years RS500/uppy/downy/Bellend saga???!!! What's your problem..... run out of RS500 owners to wind up, so you thought you'd try the MK1 & Mk2 brigade???.......
Not sure about the 500 thing Nelly, but i've seen a post on the Linc's RSOC site were he was stirring it up when Frostie was appointed....
Got to agree with you both... We don't need these kind of poeple in our club..
If it were left to me i'd hand there money back and tell um to do one....
I'm sorry Simon but you don't post on here for ages but as soon as you "Find out" something that may harm the RSOC you put the boot in straight away?????? Maybe letting your membership lapse might be a good thing.
MK2 land is not a happy place regarding the RSOC at the time being and people (Myself included) are trying damn hard to appease the situation as the MK2's are VERY important to the RSOC whatever you or anyone else may say, For me, your comments and obvious attempts at upsetting this delicate situation are not welcome on here
Lets face it simple things make for a simple life letting my membership lapse is the intention especially as some people just take positions without going through the correct process. I seem to recall that your position was recreated for you to take a position on the top table considering it was decided that the role you are covering did not warrent a full time committee position and as such was encompassed into the local group role and as such I still have the minutes to prove it. It is not your fault and this is not personal I must make that clear.
If a position is created or vacant then the proper process is to advertise it in RN then interview people who express an interest in the role advertised was this the case with the role you now sit in? especially as the roles of treasurer and Secretary are now advertised. I do not seem to remember the outdoor show role being on the agenda of the AGM in 2007 or for that matter advertised to the members via RN which is the normal route.
I do feel you have alot to offer but there is a process to follow for positions on the top table and in this case this was not done be it right or wrong in your opinion the process was not followed also can you produce minutes where it was agreed prior to your appointment that the outdoor shows position would be recreated and let me know who moved it and seconded it and which meeting was it agreed at?
At the end of the day you have position so be it I can live with it as I am sure you can I do believe you can do a good role and perform well but as I have said from start to finish processes have always been in place but were not followed for whatever reason. But what is done is done.
On the raised here by me as i made clear in another post on this thread was that Wayne may have resigned. but from what I can gather most peeps are reasonably happy with this and thats more important than anything else.
I am not having a go Frosticles I really am not directing anything at you personally and you have explained what happened and I accept that but that still does not make it the correct way to do things. I also know what you are trying to do with the mk2 situation and agree totally but as you well know anything that never went whoosh bang for a long time were ignored I know I owned one and moved away from it to find real car lovers who love the heritage as well as the marque which is why I bought one.
Nelly, I was put in the bloody middle of that 500 situation by the top table in February 2005 to investigate the whole shannanigans of this up and down saga and to the best of the abilities I had with the ex chairman pretty much resolved it with a statement from the RSOC in RN and that statement said it all two individuals made my life hell for two years and did everything to sully my name and that of the top table and other 500 owners, eventually a meeting was callled with all concerned parties two of which never turned up and at that meeting attended by myself the then chairman Chris Ellison, Dave Easton, Steve Carney and a number of other 500 owners including the now Registrar to bottom out the issues so this issue has been put to bed by the members and the committee
I would also add that I made my peace with the people I had dissagreement with over this issue also still speak to one regularly the other we made our peace at the AGM courtesy of the Manchester Group Chairman BusyBoy.
Also niether the RSOC or I created the 500 issues but we ended up dealing with it and tbh it was not a very pleasent thing to have to deal with as you cant please everyone