Been there Vinny, got some very strong painkillers,and got accupuncture and was well after an hour,i know this wont work for everyone but it cured me,hope youre well soon fella
back pain is a painfull affair, had some slipped discs myself and it does trouble me a few times a year, i only have to make a quick turn or overstretch and its with me again for a few days.
I know exactly what your on about and can sympathise with your pain.
I have suffered bad backs for years, caused by having probably one of the worst profession's to cause one. Bricklayer,
plus a motorcycle accident a few years ago smashing my hip against a barrier and whiplashing my spine added fuel to it.
I have tried everything, physio, chiropractors, pain killers etc.
I had a really bad bout a few years back, just reaching up to put a plaster bead on the wall, and I dropped like a sack of sh*t. The best pain killer I ever had from the docs was diazepan, 3 days in bed and I was up and about working again, which would have normally took weeks.
Working as a brickie always makes my back howl like a dog, but, after about 6 months of trying a recommendation from Aled, of which I forked out the £50 for an ecoflow wristband. I can recommend them no end. It wont stop you pulling your back for obvious reasons, but if anyone is in constant everyday dull ache back pain, I recommend them 100%.
It has taken away a pain that I have had to put up with everyday for a long number of years
Co-proxomol was good till they banned it cos people kept topping emselves with it co-codomol aint as good i prefer a big spliff when it's bad
TBH after a few years the nerves die off (get overloaded a bit like a wire running to much current) so the pain eases but your left falling over due to numbness and not knowing where yer legs are, which if nothing amuses people when i get out the car and fall flat on me face
My cortina is the only car i can drive for more than an hour, i even have a cortina seat as me PC chair for comfort but then i mini cabbed in a cortina for 7 years and i think me body adapted to it's shape
look after your backs peeps!
mind it sounds like i'm too late on this forum you all sound ****ed
cheers peeps, shes just turned up gra - dont know what i was surposed to do with her in my situation so i told her to **** off
went to docs and sreamed like a girl when he got me to lay on the bed and tried to lift my legs up
he has given me co codine and told me to keep taking the ibropofen and given me some diazipan so will be flying soon
and hopefully only be off about the week - gotta get better soon as i want to get the rs2 finished
cheers peeps, shes just turned up gra - dont know what i was surposed to do with her in my situation so i told her to **** off
went to docs and sreamed like a girl when he got me to lay on the bed and tried to lift my legs up
he has given me co codine and told me to keep taking the ibropofen and given me some diazipan so will be flying soon
and hopefully only be off about the week - gotta get better soon as i want to get the rs2 finished