Been over to Spain for a few days, abit of R & R. Just logged on.. gone through the Paul Tamplin thing.. bloody hell
nice to be out of the "limelight" for a change. I will say, that i think its a shame that Paul wasn,t man enough to settle his differences with me, and me alone. I made the phone call to settle the air, he was then happy to brag to a couple of people that "Parkers been grovelling to me on the phone," i dont think so. I still think its a shame, i know who the bigger man is. Yes it was me that spilled the beans on the 18 because i was sick of tied of hearing about it and everything else everyday of the week. I have subsequently found out that he has caused me a problem with the owner of the concours red car. He has also caused me a problem with a highly respected member of this board and he has been slagging my car off to other members of this board. Thats a shame. I did tell him on numerous occasions that you "reap that you sow" and you should look for tomorrow, not only today. I,d talk to him tomorrow, somehow i dont think Paul has it in him.
