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Whats better Retro or Classic Ford?

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  • #31
    Aaah, gotta love these polls, book me in for a sleepless night...
    The problem that I personally have is that the subject means a hell of a lot to me, it's something that i'm passionate about beyond belief - which is bad for my health in fairness. Perhaps I like it too much (recent bank statements would agree with that)
    I've worked pretty much every weekend since becoming Editor and i've done it for no other reason than the fact that I love what I do. I could send freelancers to do a lot of the shows/cars (and when i physically run out of hours in the day I do) but I like to experience it for myself and then hopefully apply my passion to the article. I take pride in getting out and meeting people and for that matter enjoy doing it. I like to see the "scene" (for want of a better word) for all that it is - if it means sitting in a car for 8 hours to experience it somewhere else, then so be it. It's not so good for my relationship with the Mrs mind you, but thankfully she is very understanding

    I'm not going to bleat on about why I think Retro is better, it wont really achieve anything. If you like it, buy it, if you don't, don't.
    For those that have talked about articles that have appeared in both mags, it's a fair comment but unfortunately it's going to happen. But as has been mentioned on another forum, i think we both manage to go about it in different ways and from different angles.

    Having two mags only serves to enrich the "scene" further, which in my eyes is only a good thing. It inspires people to get out there and have fun, to go to shows and to perhaps motivate them into finishing off that project in the garage. And after all is said and done that is the most important thing and, magazines aside, what we are all in it for.


    • #32
      Originally posted by RFMorley View Post
      Aaah, gotta love these polls, book me in for a sleepless night...
      The problem that I personally have is that the subject means a hell of a lot to me, it's something that i'm passionate about beyond belief - which is bad for my health in fairness. Perhaps I like it too much (recent bank statements would agree with that)
      I've worked pretty much every weekend since becoming Editor and i've done it for no other reason than the fact that I love what I do. I could send freelancers to do a lot of the shows/cars (and when i physically run out of hours in the day I do) but I like to experience it for myself and then hopefully apply my passion to the article. I take pride in getting out and meeting people and for that matter enjoy doing it. I like to see the "scene" (for want of a better word) for all that it is - if it means sitting in a car for 8 hours to experience it somewhere else, then so be it. It's not so good for my relationship with the Mrs mind you, but thankfully she is very understanding

      I'm not going to bleat on about why I think Retro is better, it wont really achieve anything. If you like it, buy it, if you don't, don't.
      For those that have talked about articles that have appeared in both mags, it's a fair comment but unfortunately it's going to happen. But as has been mentioned on another forum, i think we both manage to go about it in different ways and from different angles.

      Having two mags only serves to enrich the "scene" further, which in my eyes is only a good thing. It inspires people to get out there and have fun, to go to shows and to perhaps motivate them into finishing off that project in the garage. And after all is said and done that is the most important thing and, magazines aside, what we are all in it for.
      You're obvioulsy right Ben, getting out and meeting people is a very positive thing and it's great to see that you do that - and obviously have a great time in doing so, even when Pollitt's puking all over the place. We do it as often as we can at CF, however, as you point out the two mags do tackle things from different angles. My take on the job is that I'd rather put my efforts into the mag from the editorial side of things. For example I use a lot of freelancers as Gareth and me (although G does get out a hell of a lot for features) busy in the office adding depth and large amounts of content into the mag every month (remember we have more pages, features and issues to do than you guys), something that obviously takes a lot of planning, copy tasting, rewriting, design consultation, checking, signing off, captioning, extra boxes adding etc. etc. unfortunately that all falls too me to do.
      I also feel that using freelancers gives the mag a variety of voices and opinions, tastes and experience, something again that allows us to appeal to the whole of the classic Ford scene, otherwise my concern would be a flatness to the magazine's attitude, obviously as an Editor something I have to consider carefully.
      I'm extremely passionate about the cars, the clubs and the people but also massively passionate about the magazine. It's my baby, I pour my heart and soul into it every month which is why polls like this do **** me off to an extent as they don't tend, in my opinion, to be a fair representation. No offence to the guys on this forum but RF have done a few features with your shows and your cars over the last couple of issues so you love them because that's what's fresh in your memory. As I said though, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.
      Your also right in your comments about having two magazines for the scene. It does just go to show how big and lively it is that it can support two mags. And after all, we're all passionate about the same thing ath the end of the day.


      • #33
        Originally posted by CFED View Post
        We do try damn hard to please all you lot and your fellow old Ford fans.
        I think both mags are usually a great read. Thanks for your efforts

        Just out of interest CFED, over the past 10 yrs or so, I go on the so called 'Classic Ford' tour to the continent with continental car tours. Does this still get sponsored by the mag as your name no longer appears on the rallye plaques?

        Great feature in Southern Ireland last year btw !

        My cars in the VbGarage


        • #34
          What have you started Simon!

          Been on here two minutes, now this!!!

          Nutty Professor


          • #35
            Originally posted by CFED View Post
            Your also right in your comments about having two magazines for the scene. It does just go to show how big and lively it is that it can support two mags. And after all, we're all passionate about the same thing ath the end of the day.


            do me and most of us enthusiasts a favour though and stop calling them Scorts and escies

            good to see you both visit the sites, and your comments and feedback is appreciated, there is room for both mags on the market and i wish your circulation figures success,



            • #36
              Originally posted by graham John View Post

              do me and most of us enthusiasts a favour though and stop calling them Scorts and escies

              good to see you both visit the sites, and your comments and feedback is appreciated, there is room for both mags on the market and i wish your circulation figures success,

              Urgh, yeah I hate that, too MAx Power. We don't do it all that often, and when we do it's slipped through my net - the pro ed then gets a kicking.


              • #37
                I personally have given up buying any mags because of the cost of it all. Unless there is a techie feature of intrest (i.e. Type 9 upgrades)or an event I have been involved with (may not of attended),friends who have had there cars featured and finally an event I couldnt make because I was away (THE TOUR & The RS Garden party) then I would rather put the £10-£15 toward something new for the RS's.

                Both mags are good, but I seem to have more CF than RF. I think the last two mag I bought covered the Tour & the Garden party


                • #38
                  Originally posted by graham John View Post

                  do me and most of us enthusiasts a favour though and stop calling them Scorts and escies

                  YUK !!!!!!, they dont call the beloved that do they....

                  Great to see you guys on here
                  Last edited by Guest; 07-09-2007, 11:14.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Kel View Post
                    YUK !!!!!!, they dont call the beloved that do they....
                    Some features even cal them SCROTES

                    My cars in the VbGarage


                    • #40
                      Shocking... I must be getting old !!!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Kel View Post
                        YUK !!!!!!, they dont call the beloved that do they....

                        Great to see you guys on here
                        You mean this isn't

                        sorry, I agree it's not great.


                        • #42
                          is this the same Ben that was on the PF team about 4 years ago... ?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kel View Post
                            is this the same Ben that was on the PF team about 4 years ago... ?

                            No, he's gone, it's an entirely new Ben (better looking too)


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RFMorley View Post
                              No, he's gone, it's an entirely new Ben (better looking too)



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tim View Post

