just got back at 9pm this evening, we covered a sunny 1100 miles over the weekend, it was very hot down there, bloody lovelly!! hotel was nice and the bar did a good job of sorting us with 'gross biere bitter' till way past the small hours.
50+ cars and old faces as well as new. had a good time up until we all decided to hit the nurburgring sunday lunchtime!!
it was soo hectic, me and my missus only managed part of one lap, as unfortunately my brakes let go!! which is frightening when you are taking a steep downhill left hand bend, on a track you dont know, will zillions of mental bikers and track day fans, with yer mate a few car lengths ahead, the pedal went hard with the conclusion that i had glazed my pads badly, i guess the old solid disc/mintex combo just aint upto much.
needless to say for the last 500 miles i have had virtually no brakes, so will have to address this before the lakes.

just a few pics to give you a taste, get next years trip booked!!
50+ cars and old faces as well as new. had a good time up until we all decided to hit the nurburgring sunday lunchtime!!
it was soo hectic, me and my missus only managed part of one lap, as unfortunately my brakes let go!! which is frightening when you are taking a steep downhill left hand bend, on a track you dont know, will zillions of mental bikers and track day fans, with yer mate a few car lengths ahead, the pedal went hard with the conclusion that i had glazed my pads badly, i guess the old solid disc/mintex combo just aint upto much.
needless to say for the last 500 miles i have had virtually no brakes, so will have to address this before the lakes.

just a few pics to give you a taste, get next years trip booked!!