Got half a day in the unit today,after fixing my passats power steering, i made a start to weld in the o/s bonnet hinge panel
Just sat in ready to cut to size and weld
Now its welded in ready to be ground up tomorrow
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !
Painted the bulkhead top and the bubble/vent panel separately today
Then as they aren't structural panel i bonded them on,so none of the paint gets burnt away by welding
Cheers guys
I managed to drag myself to the unit tonight after work and get the engine bay fully painted
Next is the good part!
Putting it back together
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !