I've always thought the was quite deep but you're right - someone on here will know. With the '44's I will have to come down in height on the ram pipes I expect (don't know what ramifications that would have) but I really like the look of your 'box (so to speak).........would look good in my new white engine bay (or red, or yellow, or..........)
Forgot to say, will measure the depth of the GRP1 box for you next time I’m in the garage
1. water hose from heater to carb
2. gear lever to put in
3. wait for heat casing for clutch cable to arrive (sat)
4. fit clutch cable
5. put in new battery (although the old one still has charge after almost two years sitting idle, but thought best to go new) ((even though its black))(((but its in the boot, so ............)))
6. finally chuck some jungle juice
turn over date, monday, technician from Sims Motorsport will be passing by
Just checked the depth of the GRP1 air box and it's 60mm
Thanks Wiggy. RichyC says its 45 - 50mm so confused now Think I'll wait till the motors back in and invent something that will measure the gap with the bonnet down.............
richyc's measurement are refering to his brothers mk1 rs2000
bonnets are different of course - leave it for a while, Tuscan Neil has a mk2 with a pancake filter - im sure we can take the thing off and measure the height and width to and from the bonnet braces .................. think you have a bit to do before "filter worrying"