yes but thats all hes got to do iave done nowt today or tomorrow as im working i may be calling on some of the boys to help get it finished(so turn off ya phones)
if you have some spare time, you could go out and buy a thing called a camera.
basically, it is a small invention that captures images of things, quite clever actually, you simply point it at something, press a button or so, and it saves the images.
some look similar to the one above
you can get them in most large electrical stores and also some specialist shops
modern ones are digital, and look like this (note, its next to a match box to give an idea of size - the matchbox is on the right )
Grum, who visits this site, has one like this................but it basically does the same thing
got the door and boot rubbers in the bias box and all brake lines in hand brake cable on fuel line in window channel rubber fitted on drivers side new steering colum fitted window washers nearly done hopefully will bleed the brakes tomorrow