for **** sake andy, you know **** all about electrics, there's **** all wrong with that loom, as i've said a million times, GET AN AUTO ELECTRICIAN UP FOR A FEW HOURS, USE THE YELLOW PAGES, I'M SURE HE WILL BE GLAD OF THE WORK, IT ALL WORKED SIX MONTHS AGO, NOW LET THOSE FAT FINGERS DO THE TALKING AND SORT IT OUT, if my plumming is ****ed in the house i get a plummer in, its a mk2 escort, not a harrier jump jet, you have been told son!!!!!!!
seen the old girl today,no not andy ,the car,looks the dogs danglies!!!!just got to remember the amount of work involved and just keep to admit there a few spare wires here and there,but nowt cant be fixed,got my old loom at work for spares matey.