been busy the last few weeks in the garage pumped loads of waxoyl inside the chassis,sills,doors etc.fitted the servo & new master cylinder with all new brake pipes.also fitted the wiring loom and heater box.Hopefully fit the engine next weekend.

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going together...she's together at last!
Brian why not get the parts powder coated I did it saves so much time & gives a perfect finnish & it's cheap.
The RS is going together with the original & standard engine only covered 38000 miles,4 speed gearbox,gp1 bilsteins legs,alloy roller top mounts,bilstein rears,lowered aprox 1 1/2 inch,a set of date matched 7j ronal 4 spokes,every bush will be renewed with polly bushes and a new genuine Ford exhaust + lots of new nut's & bolts to hold things together 'I find they do help'sigpic