well were at the final stages now thank god ! ready for getting some white paint on the car . its had two coats of acid etch primer followed by three coats of normal primer ! so i dont think it could ever rust again !! just hoovering the car tonight and then prep and paint the inside in the morning ! just hope the weather picks up a bit because its been raining hard for days down here and i could do with some nice hot weather to dry the paint out ! pics attached and lots more to come before weekend . Thanks for looking john
im doing the car diamond white and the tank will be black satin ! keeping it totaly standard mate ! drum brakes etc and black vinyl roof cant wait to get some paint on !! ive booked the rest of the week off to get crackin . thanks john
got the paint on today lads ! yeeeeeeeeee ahhhhhhhhhhhh . the boot was the worst part of the car and its taken so long to do but its nearly there ! ive put a thread of pictures attached to show what i was up against and it wasnt pretty ! its easy to forget all the graft when the paint goes on . thanks for lookin john
im going to wait till the whole cars been painted ! then i will flat and polish the boot ! make it nice and shiney so it pops when you open the boot lid !