Allright chaps ! just bought these wheels for me car !! ive got the original four spokes wich are also getting redone but thought it would look nice on these ! gonna have them repolished and painted !
thanks hoogi ! im going to put the original wheels back on mate ! but thought i would have these others for a change !! when i get bored and they only cost me £70 !!!!!!!!!! last of all mate september seems like a million miles away at the moment !
ps !! will someone please vote on me thread ! ive only got four stars and others have five ! its doin me head in ive got one of those compulsive disorder thingy majigs !!! like everthing to be in order
alot better ! infact new still alot of primer and prep work to do but its getting there ! taken next week off work to get the doors , bonnet , and boot lid back to bare metal ! will add some pics when done ! thanks john