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I`m Back

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  • I`m Back

    Thailand is absolutely amazing. Cant wait to get back. Suddenly, although i`m sad to say, all my attention has switched from getting the mex on the road to finding a way back to paradise... Never thought i`d say that, but its one hell of an expirience. Its paradise.
    Here i am gloating, i`ll shut up now.
    Maybe i`ll settle back into the daily grind, but if i could find a decent job job out there, not to make me a rich man, just enough to live on, then i`d be there tomorrow. :lol:

    My advice if you haven`t been is Try it, you might like it.

    BTW i`m writing this at 7am cos i`m still jet lagged, even high amounts of alcohol last night haven`t made me sleep too good. Maybe i`d have slept better with a beautiful thai girl at the side of me... then again, maybe not. :grin:

  • #2
    Maybe i wouldn't have slept at all if i had thai girl in my bed...

