is it true, that on oneside ther legs are longer than the other. because they live on hill sides. & they only go round the hill oneway and if they turn round they fall over
oh no don't bring the haggiss to cumbria the sheep will fight with them
i doubt it there bigger than sheep
thats why we had the roman wall it was to part the haggis from the sheep not the scots from the english they'll fight a tell ya
I don't know about up your way but thers bn no roman wall up topside of newcastle 4 ages the bugers up there av all got rockerys so if theres any missing sheep thats why. the haggis av eaten them. Dude
is it true, that on oneside ther legs are longer than the other. because they live on hill sides. & they only go round the hill oneway and if they turn round they fall over
Can you answer this TRICKS because i don't think many people have seen one :albino: