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HELP EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • HELP EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Was on my ebay account earlier tonight and all was ok,Just checked my email and have 11 items successfully listed on ebay !!!!!!!!!!!!!! checked them all and they are GPS systems ! 1day listings,all located in BJ CHINA and postage by UPS Canada Cant access my account because password has been changed!
    Have been straight on and e-mailed ebay security, will get a reply in 24-48 hours !!! WTF ,
    Has anyone had this before? Its on ebays help Q+A,s!!!!!!
    Any advice would be great, also is there a phone number? there live help is 2pm -6pm
    cheers Paul

  • #2
    you tried the live chat ?


    • #3
      cheers Brian Im on there now


      • #4
        Post the link to "all" your items for sale

        We will bid items to £10,000,000

        It will stop others buying

        Ebay will register "stupid" bids and pull item off sale

        Ebay is way to slow when accounts have been hacked !!!!!



        • #5
          Dave, I dont have anything for sale!!!! The items are on canada!!! Brian the live chat is only 2pm till 6pm
          What Im worried about is can they access my bank account that is set up to auto fund my paypal and ebay accounts ???????? Theres not a lot in the bank account (it is one I only use for ebay)and my paypal acccount is empty its funded by the other but I do have another account at same bank for daily use,
          cheers for quick replys lads


          • #6
            post the link to all your items that are for sale under your account

   - euro/german plates


            • #7
              if you can get into your account, get them password changed ?


              • #8
                best of luck mate, wot a load of worry just before the big day, is it time to shut down the paypal accounts do you reakon? ithink mines getting it,


                • #9
                  Cant access account at all the!!! password being changed!! There are 11 gps systems on canada ebay now on my user name !!!!!!!!! Theres no bids and when you hit the SELLERS OTHER ITEMS theres none??? yet 11 listed on my e-mail!!!!!!! some have been ended due to being lost or broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  My user name is paul555mexico and its
                  cheers paul


                  • #10
                    heres the items

                    prices in Dollars and shipping in Euros good one that


                    • #11
                      99% of the times when an account has been "hacked" the detail have normaly been aquired by some other method, normaly phishing, if you ever get any e-mails from e-bay asking for your username and password the chances are they are fake. (some times there is an e-mail that has a link to a website that Looks like ebay but it isn't. Its just a front to get usernames and passwords)

                      If you do get something like this always let e-bay know and they will let you know if it is genuine.

                      Due to these being e-mail external to e-bay there is very little they can do about it.

                      Unfortunatly this kind of think is greatly on the increase.
                      All the best trying to get this sorted.

                      More Pics
                      1978 RS Mexico
                      Rear wheel drive 4 t3h win \\o/


                      • #12
                        Passwords can also be worked out..for instance if your user id was rs2bob and you mainly bought rs parts, then there is a good chance your password would be rs related.
                        NEVER use a password connected to your hobby etc.

                        cheeRS Ders.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ders
                          Passwords can also be worked out..for instance if your user id was rs2bob and you mainly bought rs parts, then there is a good chance your password would be rs related.
                          NEVER use a password connected to your hobby etc.

                          cheeRS Ders.
                          Ders thats good advice and i never really thought of that before mate.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for all the help lads Ebay have sorted it !!!!!!!!!
                            quote "It appears a third party had been able to take control of your ebay account this has now been resolved and any fees refunded" NO $HIT SHERLOCK ,
                            They also say card and bank accounts records are held on a high security server and are unaffected unless I have added my account details to a spoff email ????????? which I havent , Do you think a should close my account ??? It is only used for ebay and nothing else and has a very low amount at all times, the question is do I shut it or trust ebay to be ok with it ,My paypal and ebay accounts are both funded by the same account.
                            Cheers paul


                            • #15
                              keep it, just get a better password?

