Shame Louie as for every member that owns up to being an 'insider' I've been allotting them with a title...........Yours would have been 'Executive member'- in charge of foreign affairs.......would have sounded very 'Grand'[/QUOTE]
Not me, I penned the phrase initially but I'm out the loop after 4 years in the outback...
Andy c bought a Porsche to try and blend in but that failed.. And as for Alan Davies well no matter how many posts he rights I recon he's looking in not out
Steven f and Phil Rs must be in the clique
No fat lad I bought a Porker to make money and I have I dont want to blend in with anyone I AM ME YOU BELL END
Shame Louie as for every member that owns up to being an 'insider' I've been allotting them with a title...........Yours would have been 'A CU NT member'- in charge of foreign affairs.......would have sounded very 'Grand'
Haven't been on for ages, trying to build up some enthusiasm to get my RS2000 back on the road, but this thread reminds me why I haven't bothered for so just seems like 'in jokes' and (pretty rubbish) 'banter': It doesn't really encourage newer members to want to get involved, so maybe that's part of the reason 'it's quiet round here' as another thread was saying?
I don't know what to suggest, but just speaking honestly as someone with an interest in RS Escorts, but who doesn't feel that there is much to want to return back to on here.