Had a "Play" with a Saphire Cosworth today as I had to go to Birmingham on a course (Boring) Just exited the M1 onto the A42 at Donnington junction, This white Saphire shot past me, cutting me up badly in the process with a right fat munter driving. Thought I would vent some pre course anger and have a go at him. He had slowed down somewhat by the time I caught up with him. Flashed my lights and showed him the wanker sign :bom: Overtook him and felt a little better. **** proceeds so tailgate me too closely so I boot it. Covered him in clouds of soot but pulled away from the turd easily. Carried on this cat and mouse all the way to Brum and onto the M6. Was really pleased that my Golf Diesel out performed him in every way even when pulling from low speeds. Cosworth's.......PAH! I love my Golf.
i like my VW, too, got a work van, T5 2.5 TDI,174 BHP,6 speed, show a clean pair of heels to a lot of cars,heavey on front tyres though,12000 miles then £150 +vat each, 235/55/17,s ouch.