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Household cctv - the law has changed

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  • Household cctv - the law has changed

    I know some of you have CCTV at home, but did you know the law changed in Jan 2016.

    Following a ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has been forced to re-interpret the law related to household CCTV systems.
    If you have a household CCTV system that films beyond your boundary and into a private or public area (such as the road or footpath), even partially, then from January 20th 2016 your system must be registered with the ICO and you must pay an annual registration fee of £35 per year.
    Whilst it remains entirely legal for your CCTV system to film beyond your boundary, failure to register such a system is now a criminal offence and householders may be prosecuted, but the ICO has made no public announcement of this change.
    For further information please refer to the ICO Website.
    To be clear, if your household CCTV system films entirely within your boundary you are exempt and you do NOT need to register.

    I got this info from our NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH


  • #2
    My goodness... they think of a way to tax anything

    Back with a MK1


    • #3
      Just another EUROPEAN JUSTICE Human rights legislation forced on us - the UK as a nation has more public CCTV coverage which one would assume is also covered by this - more money down the drain and how many times do plod canvass houses with street facing cctv to spot the crims during or after events have though - sorry officer, no my cctv doesn't cover anything beyond my fence so f**k of!


      • #4
        when theres a crime outside my house ,if i pay the £35 ,i will be asking the police for money to see the video ,bloody cheek


        • #5
          And what about dashcams?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Miniliteman View Post
            And what about dashcams?
            Yes exactly, and what about video cameras????.....I suppose I could leave my camera running on my gate post Lol! In my view it seems like very little thought has been put into it and makes it all appear quite ridiculous! Until they experience a break-in, theft of a car or their prize possessions then they don't realise how traumatic an experience like this can be!!!!! For goodness sake, stop helping the criminals and make it easier for us to fight back against crime!!!!!!


            • #7
              One more reason to vote to leave the EU so sick of this interference
              Mk2 Escort Harrier white


              • #8
                Originally posted by katana View Post
                Just another EUROPEAN JUSTICE Human rights legislation forced on us - the UK as a nation has more public CCTV coverage which one would assume is also covered by this - more money down the drain and how many times do plod canvass houses with street facing cctv to spot the crims during or after events have though - sorry officer, no my cctv doesn't cover anything beyond my fence so f**k of!
                It's about time these EU bureaucrats stop telling us what we can and can't do in our own homes!!!!
                The sooner we are out the better!!!!!


                • #9
                  Fully Agree

                  Back with a MK1


                  • #10
                    These CCTV laws are no good agreed, but before you all agree to a Brexit please look into what it would mean to the eceonomy of the UK (and ours).
                    Buying / selling parts could become alot of hassle again.


                    • #11
                      Jeeeez........ Best write a cheque now!!!! ill backdate it five years while i'm at it as well!!!! knobbers..


                      • #12
                        Its all getting a joke with the EU dictating what we can and can not do and introducing silly arse taxes

                        If I decide to move to Brussells will they pay me a load off benifits and give me a house for free and of course I want cash to send back to my family

                        Back with a MK1


                        • #13
                          I'm old enough to see what was originally called "the common market" now EU has brought to the uk, and I've watched this country gradually lose out ever since! I grew up when Britain produced the best in the world and we've lost everything that we had and were so proud of! Kids are not inspired by anything that we make anymore! All our industry and our interesting jobs have gone, we hardly make anything anymore, and now we have to make do with imports, many of which do not come anything near to the standard that we once produced! I would rather pay more for something of good quality, and have the satisfaction of knowing that it has been made by someone in this country who will have money to spend on other things that are made here, which will in turn help keep other businesses going which are employing more people again, and so on and so on!'s a knock on effect! Although it's probably too late for me to benefit, I still can't wait to get out of the EU, let Britain live and breath again and bin all those lame ducks and crazy regulations!!!......unless you think more of the same will improve things!


                          • #14
                            The "decay" you talk about has little to do with the EU.
                            It's the same here; if you see what's left of a company like Philips which had factories in almost major city and now has just a medical branch left.
                            Ford closing the Genk factory, Opel in Antwerp etc.
                            The Chinese can produce everything for less than half the price, plus labour-costs in Eastern Europe is far less then overhere.

                            Oh yes, and CCTV laws are crap


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Miniliteman View Post
                              The "decay" you talk about has little to do with the EU.
                              It's the same here; if you see what's left of a company like Philips which had factories in almost major city and now has just a medical branch left.
                              Ford closing the Genk factory, Opel in Antwerp etc.
                              The Chinese can produce everything for less than half the price, plus labour-costs in Eastern Europe is far less then overhere.

                              Oh yes, and CCTV laws are crap
                              I think you will find that "Great Britain" has been taken for a mug on more than one occasion!! The EU was supposed to promote industrial equality with open trading etc
                              What we ended up with was being dictated to!,
                              Another warning that we ignored to our cost was from Enock Powell on immigration!
                              Rant over

