Right we don't do bitching on this site !! Well I don't any way I was under the impression that the fiesta that is booked was your sons, you all forget I don't know you all personally . Ring me tomorrow and we will have this sorted out my number is on the bottom of the entry form . That goes for anybody else who is not happy with the way I handle things pick up the phone
Thank you
Sorry Steve,
Didn't mean to bitch, I know you do a fantastic job of organising the Lakes tour and we have enjoyed the last few years thoroughly. I was just a little upset as really wanted to be able to take the fiesta again with my son, especially after we got given a feature by retro ford in the last magazine. I do apologize again, thanks for understanding and sorting it out. I will be in contact with you shortly.
Sorry Steve,
Didn't mean to bitch, I know you do a fantastic job of organising the Lakes tour and we have enjoyed the last few years thoroughly. I was just a little upset as really wanted to be able to take the fiesta again with my son, especially after we got given a feature by retro ford in the last magazine. I do apologize again, thanks for understanding and sorting it out. I will be in contact with you shortly.
Cheers for sorting that Steve, as they said its good to talk. Once again sorry for having a moan. Looking forward to it now, see you all in a few weeks.