Just seen it, been banned for 1 year because:
"Banned for abuse to another member and inciting trouble that is not within the nature of the RSOC".
It seems that the content of a private message sent to a fellow member to discuss a topic offline has been the reason for this.
And guess what, no message/email/pm from a moderator or committeemember.
Thank you all who contacted me one way or another for your support and information.
As I have put in a formal complaint I think it is best I do not comment in detail about it all.
Seems there has been a conference call last wednesday, what's been discussed I do not know. Asked Nick and he replied I would get an answer by no later than next Monday.
Dear all, this is an open letter to the committee of the Ford RSOC regarding the infraction and ban I
received last month and resulting in the committee revoking my membership altogether not long after.
Dear committee,
for over a year now you (the committee) have been ignoring questions asked by sometimes longtime and even
life-members of the RSOC about the running of the forum and the club in general.
In most cases there were replies, but no answers.
When these members keep asking questions about missing ND money, the new team of moderators, moderation,
committee members and registrars suddenly resigning to name but a few, you and/or the moderators structurally
remove posts and threads as probably the "heat was becoming too much for comfort" as they say.
Questions about removed threads are dealt with in the same way, plus sometimes people are given infractions
or are given a ban because and I quote 'jaycos' "for abuse towards old and new committee and moderators".
Guess what you call abuse is what I call the right to ask questions about the running of the club if you
are a paying member of that club.
Am sure you are all aware that I was given an infraction and 40 points in November for posting a "funny"
remark (smilies all over the place) at the expense of the committee by Paul Cox acting as a moderator on
the RSOC forum. No explanation from said moderator, no replies to pm's, no answers on my question posted
the same day why and what this infraction and the 40 points (could be airmiles for all I know) meant.
The thread I posted it in, was duly removed as a long-time member complained about one of his threads
(about deleting one of his earlier threads ...) was removed. That member was banned shortly afterwards,
probably for "abuse".
And even if it was actually abuse, why do you think a (long-time) member referts to this?
Just for the sake of being difficult? No, because he feels what the committee/moderators are doing is not
in the interest of the club.
Late november there was a new thread titled "Moderation" which soon turned into a heated debate.
I took the initiative to send a pm (private message) to one of the members who posted because I wanted
to explain him what my motivation was to not over-moderate the forum. Several pm's were exchanged that
evening and in one of which I was told to "bugger of the passionford where all you stirrers should move
off to". The content of my reply pm to him he forwarded to the moderators and he also posted it on the forum.
For this (what I wrote to him in a pm) I got banned for 1 year within 15 minutes.
The fact that he replied to me that I should be murdered has had no consequences for him, even after me
filing a formal complaint about this to you. He is still on the forum.
The why is obvious: he is in "the clique".
To remove the evidence of him posting the content of my pm, the thread was quickly removed from the forum.
As I didn't know what the ban meant I asked if I still would receive RN and if I could visit the AGM in
February. It seems that me wanting to go to the AGM was the reason why shortly afterwards the 1 year ban
was extended by you to revoking my membership completely. It is very obvious that with all positions up for
election at the AGM you do not want anyone asking the questions you rather ignore.
Before I got banned I asked on the forum how it could be that Paul Linfoot got back into the committee
after he resigned earlier in the year and after it was stated in RN magazine (MoM of 2015 AGM) that there
was no way back for people who resigned. Also I asked PaulL what has changed because earlier in the year
he stated that "its a waist of time".
On another forum in a thread called "the RSOC and moving forward" recent bans were discussed and PaulL
replied also. I asked him there again what has changed for him and he replied, but not gave an answer.
For the other people following this thread I posted 2 links to the RSOC forum: one was for PaulL's
announcement that he resigned, the other for the announcement that PaulL was a committeemember again as
senior registrar. Not long after the thread the first link was for was deleted.
From a legal point of view the reason for the ban and revoking my membership is void as you state that
it was for my interactions with Colin Newbury. Well, I have had no interactions with a Colin Newbury.
Plus in the letter I got it is stated that I have the right to appeal in writing.
If and when you try and do something which has a legal side to it please do your homework and check the
names and rules first.
I hope that at the AGM in February the members attending will vote for a new committee with people
actually respecting all fellow members.
Regards, Leon (aka Miniliteman)
PS: it was actually funny in a way, that I received an email from the RSOC wishing me Happy Christmas
and: "have a safe and happy holiday from everyone at RSOC HQ and we look forward to seeing you in the
New Year" ...
Really not the best way of doing things by the club.
Leon, You are not a troublemaker, you are a very passionate member. As such, you have a right to voice any concerns that you may have had (Have). For you to have been banned from the club is disgusting in my eyes & should have never happened. Colin wasn't innocent in this either & should have been dealt with accordingly. Looks like he has got off scott free though without even as much as a warning. This isn't right.
I hope that if you appeal then you are successful. (If it was me though being treated in such a way then they would be getting my two fingers in the air!)
The club needs passionate people. It doesn't need to be turning them away.
an appeal will lead nowhere as they pointed out in the letter I got.
Simply because the same people that would look at the appeal already convicted me in the first place. No way they will say that they were wrong.
If you look how Hally has been dealt with that's even worse!