Used to laugh my pants of when GJ published the almanacs.
With GJ retired and with all the seriousness around atm I thought I would give it go.
Have no copyright on the pics nor can I claim credit for the photoshops.
Grtz, Leon.
At the NEC show, Burton power introduce some new products for 2015.

Also after years of development the 'bullshit-deflector' is ready for production.

Grum makes a 2015 Escort calendar with '12 excellent photos of excellent cars'.
He asks Ari to promote the calendar.

Chris E. buys a new gizmo.

Debs & Taffr buy GJ's Black Beauty.

They return the car the next day as it has 'hidden faults'.

Grum asks GJ if he can have a pic of the car for next years calendar.
A day before the RSOC AGM an IT glitch on the RSOC BB reveals that there is a Porsche registrar in the Club.
Further investigation leads to info that there is a 'clique' within the club who use clubfunds to pay for their trips to France and Germany!

At the AGM the remaining of the RSOC committee resign (yes both of them).
Gerard has a party.

In Australia young Max Verstappen is first on track for the qualifying of the Australian F1 GP.
He sets a good time, then it rains and he is on pole for the race on sunday.
Spence is asked for the lead-role for a new film called 'Men in Pink'.
This film is about the Alien Investigation and Defense Service (A.I.D.S.).

Speaking of aliens, Kev Frosticles posts another photo of the moon.

We ask him if he is homesick but he insists he is not an alien from the moon.

Aled converts to boedhism so he can have 2 wives.
With GJ retired and with all the seriousness around atm I thought I would give it go.
Have no copyright on the pics nor can I claim credit for the photoshops.
Grtz, Leon.
At the NEC show, Burton power introduce some new products for 2015.

Also after years of development the 'bullshit-deflector' is ready for production.

Grum makes a 2015 Escort calendar with '12 excellent photos of excellent cars'.
He asks Ari to promote the calendar.

Chris E. buys a new gizmo.

Debs & Taffr buy GJ's Black Beauty.

They return the car the next day as it has 'hidden faults'.

Grum asks GJ if he can have a pic of the car for next years calendar.
A day before the RSOC AGM an IT glitch on the RSOC BB reveals that there is a Porsche registrar in the Club.
Further investigation leads to info that there is a 'clique' within the club who use clubfunds to pay for their trips to France and Germany!

At the AGM the remaining of the RSOC committee resign (yes both of them).
Gerard has a party.

In Australia young Max Verstappen is first on track for the qualifying of the Australian F1 GP.
He sets a good time, then it rains and he is on pole for the race on sunday.
Spence is asked for the lead-role for a new film called 'Men in Pink'.
This film is about the Alien Investigation and Defense Service (A.I.D.S.).

Speaking of aliens, Kev Frosticles posts another photo of the moon.

We ask him if he is homesick but he insists he is not an alien from the moon.

Aled converts to boedhism so he can have 2 wives.
